a mom, wife, nq bikini competitor, coach.


I’ve struggled too..

 Nothing has been easy in the many stages of my weight loss transformations. Yes, I’ve had a few of them before finding one that worked. I gained over 60 freakin pounds in my first pregnancy. I was 20 years old & remember people would tell me “you’re so young that baby weight will just fall off you”. Guess what? It didn’t. I struggled so hard to lose the baby weight after both pregnancies & started becoming complacent with the new body I was given due to these beautiful pregnancies.

Eventually I started making my health & happiness as much of a priority as my kids and husband’s, and I became a much better mama and wife because of it. In the end I learned excuses weren’t going to change the unhappy path I was following.

I had to stop making excuses and instead MAKE A CHANGE. 

How i made the change..

It was about the 2nd week of December 2018 when I woke up one morning, got out bed naked, (yes I hate sleeping in clothes lol) looked in the mirror, and decided I didn’t like the way I looked. I didn’t like how much weight I’ve gained. I didn’t like how much alcohol I had been drinking. I didn’t like how much crappy food I was carelessly eating.

But in between all of those dislikes I have never not liked going to the gym. However, I knew what I was doing wasn’t enough. I needed to know more. I started scrolling through Instagram and shamelessly looking at all these fit IG models thinking “what I would do to have a body like that”. Then it just hit me. That day I told myself “I need to change my life TODAY”.

 I decided to look into doing a fitness competition. I wanted to give myself a goal I knew I’d have to work my ass off for. Shortly after doing some digging I officially committed myself to an amazing fitness competition team & chose a show 10 months out. I began giving it my all in the gym and started tracking my meals and ended up strutting across that stage as planned.

Over three years later and I am still living the same lifestyle and..